On-call Support.
Fixinc Advisory Board

Four of the very best supporting you through the tactical, operational, and strategic response to an event, anywhere in the world, at any moment.
the why

A second opinion could save you millions.

We are only human. The high intensity response to an event can challenge the best of us; understandably mistakes happen. With the Fixinc Advisory Board, we aim to reduce those mistakes, provide the highest level of support and advice, and help you and your people make confident decisions. Our mission is to modernise corporate resilience and provide the next level of tactical, operational, and strategic response.

The members of your dedicated Advisory Board are rostered on with two layers of backup consultants for each discipline. We use F24 to activate specific client alarms which automatically shares your location, incident details, and documents with the Advisors. While the Facilitator is connecting with you, a review of the situation and preparing your initial response is already well underway.

Clever technology.

Impressive response times.


Covering Tactical, Operational, and Strategic.

The four advisors focus on the three core activities of corporate resilience and the response to an incident. Each comes with specialised disciplines and skillsets that add value to their relevant level of expertise. Our job is to find ways to get you back to business-as-usual as efficiently and effectively as possible.
how it works

Minimal steps for you.
Focused response for us.

Either head to your private Fixinc client Portal and press the 'Activate Board' button, call / text a dedicated number, or email us. Once confirmed, your dedicated facilitator is notified via an automated high-priority alarm.
The portal will ask a series of questions including the location of the incident, the type, supporting details, your team members you are involving in the response, and the opportunity to upload documents.
Your Facilitator will reach out to you and confirm the details of the event and that you are ready to introduce the Advisory Board to your incident. Once confirmed, our timer begins on your allocated subscription amount. Time used is accessible in real-time via your Portal.
The regionally placed Advisors are notified by Fact24 via phone call, text, email and push notification. This will override any no-notification settings they have on their devices. If no response, Fact24 will do a round-robin to other available Advisors we have.
Selected Advisors will now review the initial details of the incident, review your previously uploaded response documents, and prepare some informal actions in preparation for an internal Fixinc meeting.
Martin Pets of F24 Asia Pacific

Martin is our in-house F24 rep who will support and maintain the FACT24 ENS tool we're using to facilitate, manage, and collaborate across your incident. He will also be there to discuss how Fact24 may be valuable to your business in a similar event.

Martin, Asia Pacific Rep for F24

When necessary, your Facilitator will set up group virtual conferences. There is no limit on these and they are available 24/7. It will be the main method used to communicate with you. In these calls, we may invite some or all of the Advisors to provide their pre-determined advice to you. However, they are managed by Facilitator.
As the incident evolves and with it, your response, Fixinc will continually monitor the event and sit as part of every decision you make. A direct phone line and virtual meeting link is available during the entire activation.

"What makes the Fixinc Advisory Board so effective is that we're involving multiple senior professionals with a dynamic set of expertise, different skillsets, and vast experiences within your industry. Clients obtain this advice collated and approved by all Advisors right when they need it most.

Ollie, co-Founder and Managing Director

In some cases, clients simply want a second opinion on a statement or a simple confirmation of a response process. In any case, there is no limitation to what you activate the Board for. Your Facilitator is there to discuss this with you.

Ongoing support
Some serious incidents can go on for days, weeks, or even months. All Advisory Board members are available for ongoing, hourly support should your allocated subscription hours expire. We will notify you once your hours are used, we will pause our support until you're ready to move forward on an hourly model.
Not all incidents need the full support of the Board. Therefore, our Facilitator will suggest a relevant, individual Advisor to continue to work with you. This Advisor will support you for an unlimited period and in some cases, can even come on site.

Ongoing hourly support by any number of individual Advisors is calculated and invoiced every month. You can see our hourly rates here.

Post Incident Reviews by Fixinc
It is the client's decision on when to close the event. This will pause the usage of your hours and stand down the Advisory Board immediately. Your Facilitator will reach out to finalise details. To help save hours, our Advisors may even suggest closing the event before you if all things are considered clear.
Post Incident Reviews
All clients will receive a downloadable summary of actions from F24 after the event is over. Fixinc also provides a Post Incident Review for Platinum subscribers. This will detail the actions, and review the event in detail - providing professional suggestions and feedback on how your organisation responded to the incident.
Details of the incident are permanently kept in our system. However, if a new event occurs, our team will be ready to act. Fixinc also has the capability to manage multiple, concurrent incidents whether they are your own, or other organisations.
our advisors

We source the very best for you.

Thanks to the intelligent rating system provided by our sister business, ResilieneWEB, decades in the industry, and deep relationships with the profession, Fixinc is able to invite and interview the very highest rated corporate resilience consultants in the world.

A dedicated human being.

No AI here. A real person with real resilience experience who speaks your language (literally). Your Facilitator studies and obsesses over your organisation before an event, they're there at any moment, they care about your recovery.

Unbelievable technology.

With FACT24, and our own custom built application, we provide you the most up to date digital response available.

Affordable. Manageable.

Three tiers with three payment frequencies, and unlimited currency options. Competitive on-going hourly rates. Simple and easy billing all managed via your Portal.

Dare to thrive.

Extra features

Assurance Documentation

Subscribers to the Advisory Board can download the Fixinc Assurance Documentation. Specifically designed to be shared with your stakeholders and client base, this document acts as evidence of your coverage with us.
Detailing date and time of premium coverage
Details of the disciplines and support we offer you
Status of your post incident reviews and / or annual review
Activation SLAs, Management of event, Technology solutions
Signature and date verification by Fixinc with contact details
Fixinc Assurance Document
yours when you need it

Obtain an Advisory Board today.

Join the Fixinc ecosystem today and have our industry leading resilience Advisors on 24/7 standby for when you need them most.