Dear Michael,

Thank you for the opportunity to present Forté Health with a proposal for Business Continuity Management services.

The Forté Health Board identified the need to conduct an update of its business continuity program to ensure the appropriate level of preparedness in the event of a business disruption. The next phase of work we recommend includes the following elements:

  • Business Continuity policy & framework 
  • Business Impact Analysis
  • Business Continuity Plans
  • Business Continuity Training and Exercising

A fit-for-purpose program, based on clear recovery priorities and dependencies, and strong stakeholder engagement, will increase confidence in Forté Health's response capabilities and meet stakeholder expectations.

All activities are performed by highly qualified and experienced consultants who have a deep understanding of the unique threats associated to the health industry. We provide unparalleled expertise and bespoke solutions across all business continuity and crisis management disciplines.

Michael, at Fixinc, we're committed to building lifelong partnerships with inspiring organisations like Forté Health. We are passionate about embedding resilience in the fabric of what you do and the people you serve by building measures in place for any disruption. We will stake our careers on the service you will receive by our team.

Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal and I look forward to the opportunity of working with you and the Forté Health team further.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Yours Sincerely,

Brad Law
Co-Founder & Global Head of Consulting
(+64) 027 365 5824
(+64) 03 244 0910
AUS: Suite 76/Mezzanine, 388 George St, Sydney
NZ: U4, L1, 266 Saint Asaph St, Christchurch, NZ 8081

Developing your resilience.

By facilitating this program of work, Fixinc aims to improve both the effectiveness of Forte Health corporate resilience, as well as the confidence of key stakeholders that your new program meets relevant best-practice standards.

Validation of a fit-for-purpose program, based on clear understanding of recovery priorities and dependencies, and supported by strong engagement, and training and testing will help to meet stakeholders expectations and deliver a high level of condfidence in the resilience capabilities at Forte Health

Scope of work.

The scope of work outlines the details discussed in our discovery engagement with you. At Fixinc, our priority is the outcome and achieving a positive and measurable step towards your resilience maturity. So, while this scope provides the main framework of the program, our team will continuously find additional, complimentary steps we can take to achieve this.

Engagement Meeting

This is an opportunity to introduce the Fixinc team and our key program members. For your project sponsors (the people heavily involved with the program), it's a great opportunity to build a rapport and ask important questions. The meeting will confirm the scope and priorities as well as handle any of the admin requirements like invoicing and onboarding for Fixinc.
Stage duration
1 Hour
Your Commitment
1 Hour
Proposed start
July 1, 2024
Key highlights
  • Client Portal and Engagement Prepared by Fixinc.
  • 1 Hour Engagement Meeting.
  • Minutes and Meeting Recording.
  • Detailed scope and Q&A.

At Fixinc, we understand the importance of a solid foundation for every program we initiate. That's why we prioritise an Engagement Meeting, facilitated by our experienced Program Manager. This meeting is a crucial first step to ensure alignment and set clear expectations for all parties involved.

Meeting Details


Your Program Manager will lead the Engagement Meeting, ensuring a structured and productive session. The meeting can be conducted virtually via Teams, Zoom, or Google Meets. In-person meetings can be arranged if preferred and feasible.


The meeting should be attended by yourself and any key program sponsors. These are individuals who will be significantly involved in the program's roll-out and success and colleagues you expect us to have a high degree of interaction with. In some scenarios, clients invite a member of an executive team should it be valuable to ensure this person is confident in the implementation plan (a great way to get initial buy-in).


The Engagement Meeting typically lasts one hour, providing ample time to cover all essential topics.

The Agenda will include:

1) Introduction:

  • Welcome and introductions
  • Overview of Fixinc and the program's purpose

2) Discussion Points:

  • Scope of Work: A detailed discussion on the scope of the program to ensure clarity and mutual understanding.
  • Priorities and Responsibilities: Identifying and assigning key priorities and responsibilities to ensure a smooth workflow.
  • Approximate Timescales: Reviewing the tentative timeline for program milestones and deliverables.
  • Client Portal Review: A walk-through of the Client Portal, highlighting its features and how it will be used for program management and communication as well as setting up your accounts.
  • Program Outcomes and Objectives: Confirming the desired outcomes and objectives to ensure alignment with the client's vision.
  • Next Steps: Outlining the immediate next steps following the meeting to maintain momentum.

3) Q&A Session:

    • Dedicated time for questions and answers to address any concerns or uncertainties.



The Engagement Meeting is scheduled within 7 days of accepting the proposal. This prompt scheduling helps maintain momentum and ensures a timely start to the program.


We understand that schedules can change. Therefore, there are opportunities to reschedule if necessary, ensuring all key participants can attend.


Minutes from the meeting will be meticulously documented and shared via the Client's Portal. Additionally, the call will be recorded using the chosen meeting software for future reference, all found via the Implementation section of your Client Portal.


The Engagement Meeting is designed to establish a strong foundation for the program, ensuring all parties are aligned and ready to proceed. With clear communication, defined objectives, and a dedicated time for questions, we aim to set the stage for a successful collaboration.

Business Continuity Policy and Framework

Based on the outcomes of the engagement meeting Fixinc will develop the a recommended Policy and Framework for approval.
Stage duration
2 Days
Your Commitment
2-4 Hours
Proposed start
July 22, 2024
Key highlights
  • Agree the definition and objectives for business continuity within the organisation.
  • Agree the scope of the business continuity program.
  • Identify and agree on the standards or guidelines that will be used as a benchmark.
  • Draft the new or revised policy.
  • Circulate the draft policy for consultation with top management.
  • Facilitate the approval and sign off of the policy by top management.
  • Ensure the approved policy is communicated to all interested parties.

The Policy will define the implementation and management approach for Forte Health's Business Continuity Program and align it with best practice standards or guidelines.

The framework will include:

  • A methodology for implementing Business Continuity
  • Key roles and responsibilities for managing the Business Continuity Program
  • Required processes and templates for information gathering
  • A schedule of key Business Continuity activities

Business Impact Analysis and Threat Assessment

During the BIA meeting, Fixinc will review the current BIA templates provided by the business unit representative of the organisations. After the meeting, the business unit representative will have the opportunity to review the findings with their business unit leaders and finalise the BIA.
Stage duration
1 hour meetings per business unit / 1 hour BIA meetings with key managers.
Your Commitment
1 Week
Proposed start
August 5, 2024
Key highlights
  • Initial BIA: High-level analysis for framework.
  • Product/Service BIA: Prioritise products/services, strategic continuity.
  • Process BIA: Identify key processes.
  • Activity BIA: Prioritize urgent activities, resource needs.

A clear understanding of your key priorities and dependencies are essential to build effective business continuity strategies.  To achieve this, Fixinc will develop a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) through the facilitation of consultative interviews with business unit representatives.

For each area of the business that undertakes the BIA, outcomes of the BIA process will include confirmation of:

  • All mission-critical functions
  • Allowable outages and recovery timeframes for each critical function
  • Resource requirements and critical dependencies

As part of the BIA process, Fixinc will also facilitate a threat assessment using our proprietary threat forecasting tools to assess relevant business continuity vulnerabilities and plausible disruption scenarios that may impact critical business functions, as identified in the BIAs. This will include:

  • Prioritise the organisation’s products and services by determining the MTPD for each.
  • Prioritise the process or processes required to deliver the organization’s most urgent products and services, including identification of the activities that make up those processes, if required.
  • Prioritise the activities that deliver the most urgent products and services, and determine the resources required for the continuity of these activities following an incident, as well as their interdependencies.
  • Perform a final analysis or consolidation of analyses which should lead to the determination of business continuity requirements.
  • Identification and categorisation of disruption related threats.
  • Review of likely causes, existing controls and potential impacts.
  • Prioritisation of all identified risks based on likelihood and impact ratings.
  • Grouping and prioritisation of risks into key disruption scenarios.

Business Continuity Plan

Upon completion of the BIAs, Fixinc will develop a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) tailored to the unique operational requirements and structure of the organisation.
Stage duration
1 Week
Your Commitment
1 Hour
Proposed start
August 19, 2024
Key highlights
  • Consultation to discuss strategy options.
  • Review and approve plan outcomes.

The business continuity plans will include simple and easy-to-use documentation in the form of action plans covering business recovery and resumption considerations for all relevant disruption scenarios. Plans will also closely align with existing crisis management, emergency management, risk management, IT and operational measures to ensure an integrated outcome.

‍This will deliver a standardised and integrated protocol for dealing with business disruptions and will include:

  • Establishment of required command and control structures, including management roles and responsibilities.
  • Communication strategies and supporting templates.
  • Incident Assessment tools to measure the severity of an event.
  • Impact assessment tools to measure the scale and nature of damage to business operations.
  • Practical checklists for immediate operational tasks and escalation procedures to aid with decisions.
  • Staff management plans to assist with relocations and recovery of work priorities.
  • Resource management plans to effectively coordinate recovery efforts.
  • Identification of alternate accommodation and process workarounds.
  • Recovery strategies in the form of highly practical checklists, supported by reference procedures.
  • Resumption strategies to resume business as usual operations.
  • Other supporting tools, documents, and reference materials.

Business Continuity Awareness Training

Fixinc is committed to delivering a pragmatic training program to enhance Forte Health's business continuity management culture, fostering proactive awareness and thereby elevating the organisation's level of resilience. The training curriculum will be customised to precisely address Forte Health's unique program requirements.
Stage duration
3 Hours
Your Commitment
3 Hours
Proposed start
September 2, 2024
Key highlights
  • Attend 3 Hour Awareness training.
  • Understanding Business Continuity.
  • Roles and Responsibilities.
  • Emergency Procedures and Protocols.
  • BC Plan Familiarization.
  • Responsibilities during a disruption.

Suitable for staff with overall business continuity management responsibilities. The 3-hour modular Leadership Program is an industry first management course specifically designed to build awareness, critical skills, and incident leadership capabilities of your team using the latest experiential learning techniques and real-world case studies. Fixinc’s Learning and Development division will organise all pre-training bookings for Forte Health and complete training participant records for all sessions.

Scenario Exercise

The Business Continuity Plan should not be considered final until it has been thoroughly validated. The validation process should not only apply to the plan but also to the individuals who will be implementing it. Fixinc will deliver a realistic, thought-provoking exercise for the Forte Health Crisis Management Team.
Stage duration
3 Hours
Your Commitment
3 Hours
Proposed start
September 16, 2024
Key highlights
  • Review and approve exercise plan. 
  • Review and approve scenario and run sheet. 
  • Attend 3-hour desktop scenario exercise. 
  • Review and approve post-exercise report. ‍

Exercise Planning

Fixinc, in collaboration with Forte Health, will hold a planning session to determine the extent of the scenario exercise, establish exercise goals, and review critical performance metrics. This will guarantee that the exercise program meets the expectations of stakeholders and provides benefits to everyone involved.

‍After the planning meeting, Fixinc will draft an exercise plan for Forte Health that outlines all necessary information for the exercise program, including:

  • ‍Exercise objectives.
  • Exercise methodology.
  • Exercise scope and scale.
  • Communications.
  • Roles and responsibilities.
  • Resource requirements.
  • Timeframes and timescales.
  • Internal exercise participants.
  • Performance criteria.

Exercise Development

Fixinc will establish and arrange all necessary components for Forte Health's exercise program, including:

  • ‍Selection and development of the preferred exercise scenario.
  • Creation of exercise schedules that outline all inputs and interactions during the exercise.
  • Involvement of both internal and external participants in the exercise.
  • Selection and briefing of exercise volunteers.
  • Conducting briefings for participants in the exercise.

Exercise Delivery

Fixinc will design a scenario-based exercise that is event-driven and realistic, maximising participant involvement and offering a comprehensive yet practical learning opportunity. Fixinc will provide Optus with dynamic injects that utilize proven exercise resources within a managed exercise setting.

On the day of the exercise, Fixinc will have a lead facilitator oversee the program, with support from additional Fixinc staff, in coordination with representatives from Optus and other relevant parties. The role of Fixinc during the exercise will be to:

  • Manage the flow of information and inputs related to the exercise scenario, which may include digital social media injects, phones calls, emails and SMS.
  • Provide structure and formality to the exercise process, ensuring teams remain focused and on task.
  • Monitor and record the efficacy of Networks response and recovery procedures.
  • Document all relevant issues as they arise during the exercise.
  • Discover any discrepancies or gaps in Networks Incident response processes.
  • Conduct immediate debriefings with participants in the exercise.
  • Post Exercise Activity.

After the conclusion of the exercise program, Fixinc will deliver:

  • A full exercise report that details the key activities conducted, evaluations against established criteria, and recognition of crucial shortcomings to be addressed.
  • Advice on ways to enhance the program even further.
  • Follow-up and implementation assistance as necessary.

Maintenance Program.

On completion of this program, it is recommended that Forte Health commence an annual Maintenance Program to meet best practice standards and ensure that Forte Health maintains a continuous program of improvement. The Fixinc Maintenance Program is exclusive and restricted to ten organisations a year to maintain quality and attention from our senior practitioners.

The proposed services have the objective of consistently improving the Forte Health resilience capabilities and resilience against any disruption, while also ensuring that your organisation can easily match any new or existing compliance standards. You will meet stakeholder expectations, and safeguard your initial investment in establishing a business continuity program.

Initial Activities

- Annual engagement meeting with key stakeholders.
- Provision of annual maintenance schedule.
Development of annual exercise strategy.

Start time

Oct 07, 2024 to Jan 07, 2025

End time

October 7, 2027

Mid-year health check

- Annual BIA review interviews to update BIA and Threat Landscape.
- Full review and update of all business continuity related documentation.
- Distribution of revised plans (soft copy).

Start time

Jan 07, 2025 to Apr 07, 2025

End time

January 7, 2028

Annual Activities

- 1 x 45-minute business continuity awareness session.
- 1 x 3-hour annual Crisis Leadership training session.
- 1 x 3-hour annual Crisis Scenario Exercise.
- Provision of post-exercise reports.
- Provision of revised soft copy BCP documentation.
- Management and maintenance of business continuity related training records.
- Provide executive/board presentations as required.
- Provision of Annual Assurance Statement.

Start time

May 07, 2025 to Aug 07, 2025

End time

May 7, 2028

Three pricing options to choose from

The Maintenance Program is an investment that suits passionate and committed organisations who wish to build and maintain a high level of resilience maturity. However, we’re aware that it must fit into realistic budgets. Therefore, we have created a three tier approach that provides different levels of commitment. Additionally, we can add on more licenses for FACT24, or more BIA functionality to suit your unique needs.

If you are interested in joining the exclusive Maintenance Program, we will send you an individual contract with scope and final pricing for the three year program.
Components of a Maintenance Program.

The table below provides a high level of the components and their expandable items you will receive annually. We created assets that are adjustable and complimentary to allow flexibility in investment.

Advisory Services
Business Impact Analysis
Included + Adjustable
Organisational Resilience
Your program Advisory Lead at Fixinc will conduct a thorough Business Impact Analysis utilising assets that are already in place and our own in-house technology. This will align seamlessly to the CFD, threat intelligence, and 3rd Party review if added onto your program.
Business Continuity Plan
Included + Adjustable
Organisational Resilience
We will support you in developing and enhancing your business continuity plan. This includes either reviewing what you have in place, helping to design a new one, and making it accessible and simple. All plans are annually reviewed to align to ISO 22301 - 2019 and best practice standards.
3rd Party Review
Optional Add-on
Organisational Resilience
Acting as a representative of your organisation, we will connect with and facilitate a review with your critical suppliers. This step can drastically reduce uncertainties and risk from third party suppliers. The audit will provide comprehensive details on their resilience and preparedness to reduce downtime and data loss.Team name
Included + Adjustable
Once the BCP is signed off by the program's sponsors, Fixinc will train this out to your wider team. This may include an awareness session, response session, or bespoke Executive training session. We will share the fundamentals of business continuity, and how your BCP works day to day.
Included + Adjustable
A scenario exercise (desktop or virtual) is an engaging and fantastic way to validate your plans and team capabilities. Fixinc uses technology and AI to build realistic scenarios that are both inline with your threat landscape, current risks, your current plans, and any post-incident reviews. This makes it highly realistic and effective.
High Performance Training
Included + Adjustable
Organisational Resilience
Our expert will cover the MITs and Googles research into high performing teams and highlight the six fundamentals of what makes a high performing team, and discuss the elements that increase speed, problem solving, and overall performance, when executing action plans as a team.
Tactical Response
Fact24 ENS+
Optional Add-on
As a Maintenance subscriber, you will get access to FACT24 ENS+ by F24. This is a cloud based emergency management notification and crisis management control application considered Europe's highest rated tool of its kind. We will support onboarding, training, and maintenance of the software.
On-call Advisory Board
Optional Add-on
Depending on the premium level you choose, you will have access to our Advisory Board service. This is a bespoke, 24/7 on-call service where a facilitator and a select group of topic experts are available to support you through any crisis. Get a second opinion and confidently manage any disruption.
Documentation Storage
Included + Adjustable
Organisational Resilience
Fixinc can store important resilience documents like your business continuity plan in our privately hosted servers. Or, go to a premium level and have them also hosted with F24 to double the protection and level of control. No restrictions on storage size.
Gain access to multiple checklists across the resilience spectrum including business impact analysis reviews, third party reviews, infectious disease response steps, and responding to an emergency. All checklists are saved in your portal and can contribute to your reports and development.
Threat Intelligence
Organisational Resilience
Our Threat Intelligence Portal takes the World Economic Forum's top 10 global threats for the calendar year, and monitors them for evolving impacts to your organisation. Following our business impact analysis and general understanding of your business, you will have access to tailored, specific data on evolving threats from around the world.
Program Implementation Plan
Organisational Resilience
Never question progress again. Our online Implementation Plan details the work we're doing behind the scene, over annual progress, and a resilience maturity score that is measured against an ISO 22301 - 2019 accreditation; useful for board and stakeholder meetings.
Resource Emails
Our marketing team is constantly reviewing useful resources and monitoring events around the world. We'll subscribe you to a simple, resource heavy email so you have a single source of news for all things resilience.
Critical Functions Dashboard
This dashboard takes the data from your business impact analysis and generates live, real-time critical functions reports accessible during an event. Your entire team can filter and understand maximum allowable outages (MAO), and what business units to focus on first - within seconds.
Digital Business Continuity Plan
Organisational Resilience
Times have changed, and everyone utilises digital in their work. However, BCPs are still outdated and paper format. We will create a digital BCP in your dashboard, interactive and filterable for anyone on your team. This is additional to your standard BCP document.

Exclusive access to components.

In order to make the Fixinc Maintenance Program as exclusive as possible, many components we offer are only accessible to registered clients. From our Advisory Board, to Forte Health-specific threat intelligence, and even technology solutions will be exclusive to you. This ensures use of the components are customised to Forte Health, have an almost 100% up time, and can be contribute to our goal of a complete resilience solution.

Threat landscape
Threat Intelligence
Threat Intelligence: Unique analysis for Forte Health.

Forte Health will have access to our threat intelligence offering. This digital portal pulls information gathered from your Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and data from the World Economic Forum's Top 10 Global Risks to build a framework of potential threats to your operations.

Each 30 to 90 days, our team will analyse changes in 8 categories and provide updates and considerations Forte Health will need to take should a threat be reaslied. The portal is accessible any time, available to all of your staff with no user restrictions, and updated frequently by our team.

Threat Intelligence
Critical Functions Dashboard: Real-time risks for Forte Health.
Our Critical Functions Dashboard is a digital tool part of your BIA process. You will have a real-time dashboard showcasing your entire organisational RTOs and MAO, Critical Business Functions, and the core details you need to access during a disruption. It comes with user levels, can be updated and analysed by our team or yours, and can be accessed by any device. The design and functionality is purposefully simple, ensuring any experience level can utilise the tool when it's needed most.
business continuity
Threat Intelligence
Digital BCPs : Digitising Forte Health.

When Fixinc run Exercises or Training sessions with any organisation, it's a very rare site anyone brings their business continuity plan with them. The reality is that it's often hard to find or unpracticale. So, we have created an online business continuity plan that takes the critical parts of the Forte Health paper plan and digitises it to be more accessible and practical. Colour coded with easy navigation, it is always the latest version and found via a simple URL so that even users not on the Forte Health Portal can access it.

Threat Intelligence
Check and Audit : Resilience Maturity at Forte Health.
At Fixinc, we have created multiple online checklists for different requirements across your resilience strategy. These checklists cover niche requirements like CPS 230, third party risks against a scale of low to critical risks. These are accessible to your team, annonymous and are saved against an account or project you're working on for reviewing later. The checklists asks critical questions that form part of best practice and ISO standard requirements giving you an understanding of maturity within minutes.
Colored Text Example

FACT24: Europe's leading emergency management software.

F24 is the leading Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider for business messaging, emergency notification as well as incident and crisis management in Europe. The highly innovative F24 solutions support customers through the whole value chain from high-volume communication in the corporate environment through governance, risk and compliance (GRC) up to Emergency Notification and Smart Event Communication as well as Comprehensive Crisis Management.

More than 3,000 customers worldwide rely on F24's solutions to manage their communication needs, as part of their day-to-day communication of critical or confident content, or in the event of a crisis.

Fixinc is the Oceania partner of F24. We're able to help you implement, onboard, and maintain the software on an ongoing basis. We also have the option of implementing hosting on site if your IT policy requires this. With us, you can seamlessly integrate your resilience programs with response technology.


years of experience


of STOXX Europe 50 companies supplied


subscribed accounts



Book a 30-minute demo with Martin

Through a simple, 20 minute demo, Martin can provide you enough information to see how FACT24 can support your organisation during difficult and complex disruptions. He will ensure the demo matches your organisation's needs and leave plenty of time for Q&A.

F24 FAQs

Why automate your crisis communications?

In crisis situations, every minute counts. For this reason, FACT24 is designed to be as simple as possible to operate. The multimedia platform notifies you about critical situations, emergencies or faults in your technical systems and can automatically mobilise specialists or response teams. This can be done by voice call, SMS, e-mail or mobile app. The confirmation function provides FACT24 with qualified feedback on the availability and response time of your teams. All alarm events are logged in detail and can be used to improve any process.

What communication channels can I use with FACT24?

- Voice calls with up to 800 parallel channels
- High-availability SMS connection
- Smartphone app for Android & iOS
- Integration of local PA systems
- Control of IP loudspeakers
- Client PC integration
- Relay outputs to control visual and audible systems
- Fax, e.g. for alarm logs
- Connection to 3rd party interfaces for integration of customer systems

Can I Integrate my components and subsystems?

- Yes, via our alarm media gateway for recording analogue signals and digital contact inputs and outputs
- Using a connection through OPC
- Utilising our REST API
- Most clients integrate with their HR database to ensure accurate contact information in the FACT24 database
- Or trigger FACT24 alarms by email or SMS.

What do clients use FACT24 for?

In an incident or crisis scenario, it is crucial to alert and mobilize all major players, stakeholders, and response teams swiftly. Central coordination of all activities is managed through a crisis cockpit, ensuring effective control and decision-making. During an emergency, communication is facilitated via telephone conferences and online collaboration tools. To keep affected areas informed, an information hotline is established, providing timely updates. Additionally, technical monitoring of systems is conducted, with automatic alerts triggered when necessary, ensuring prompt response to any issues that arise.

What else can FACT24 ENS+ do?

Emergency conference calls are essential for coordinating responses during crises. Production alarms are implemented to minimize manufacturing downtime, ensuring operational continuity. Safety measures for lone workers are crucial to their health and lives. FACT24 Lone Worker meets both legal and occupational requirements for the use of personal emergency signaling systems, providing vital protection for those working alone.

Still have questions?

Book some time directly with Martin, obligation free.

Relevant standards.

All Fixinc services strictly adhere to best practice benchmarks and standards. These will be agreed during the stakeholder engagement process and may include:
ISO 22301 - 2019

Societal security – Business Continuity Management Systems - Requirements.

Businss Continuity

‘Good practice guidelines 2018’.

ISO 31000 Risk Management

Principles and guidelines.

BS11200:2014, Crisis Management

Guidance and Good Practice.

AS: 3745

Planning for Emergencies in Facilities.

Industry specific legislation

Standards, and codes of practice.

The Forte Health Business Continuity Program Project Team

We are honoured to be able to introduce you to our team. As a boutique consultancy practice, our plan is to keep our operation small and intimate. We are passionate about ensuring Forte Health have unlimited access to our most senior advisors without the burden of extra invoices for phone calls and emails, as is common in our industry. All of our team come with unique disciplines and competencies that compliment our overall offering.

Brad Law
Co-Founder & Global Head of Consulting

Co-Founder of Fixinc and Global Head of Consulting, overseeing all Advisory Board members and the Fixinc Consulting Practice. Over 25 years of industry experience stretching across the globe.

View full profile
Ollie Law
Co-Founder & Managing Director

Co-Founder of Fixinc bringing a decade of technology, product development, and project management, and commercial digital marketing to the resilience industry.

View full profile
Alisha Kidd
Risk and Resilience Leader

Globally experienced senior leader and chartered accountant with a vast career in managing crises, risk, and resilience for multinational organisations.

View full profile
Hannah Perry
Operations Assistant

An expat focused on Oceania businesses and supporting our team in premium level programs.

View full profile

Getting in touch with our team

Contact us at any time to talk through any evolving risks or ideas you have. With our team, there are no unexpected invoices if you do so.

A father and son on a mission.

Fixinc was founded by Brad and Ollie Law in 2017. The pair experienced first-hand the results of practitioners failing their clients when they were needed most. They developed the Consulting Practice, Advisory Board, and Directory to help organisation have premium support at any moment. With a combined three decades in the industry, the father and son duo bring a powerful balance of technology expertise and senior executive level consulting to a fresh and impactful service.

12 years

In the industry together, running programs globally.


Organisations serviced across 25+ industry types.

A simple approach to resiliency.

We are playing the infinite game. No one supplier can be the best, but organisations should have access to the best solutions. Our passion for the industry and careful management of deep relationships with fellow practitioners and industry bodies places us as a premium supplier. Our programs speak for themselves, set upon three simple approaches:

Building meaningful connections is paramount to success.
We show integrity and honesty.
Both through partnerships and our impact on the world.

The Fixinc Loyalty Program.

Your loyalty and commitment to us should be rewarded. That's why every program or activity you do with Fixinc earns you points that goes towards money off your next program, or access to complimentary work, like an exercise or review.

Money off
Every dollar you spend at Fixinc will transfer into points that also have a monetary value to them (reducing costs on future quotes).Build meaningful connections.
Extra services
Use your accumulated points for unique activities like a virtual training & exercise, or a plan / program review.

You will earn Loyaly Points today that you can use tomorrow.

to be earned on this proposal
current points

Number of points available

Colored Text Example

Short pay: pay us what you think it's worth.

Our unique Short Pay program is an incentive to reduce the risk with outsourcing to a new supplier. We understand budgets are finite and choosing the an advisor comes with risk. Once a program component is completed, you can review the standard of our work and decide if you want to initiate the Short Pay option to receive money back or credit.

Fixinc will meet with you to better understand your preferences and pivot the program to achieve this. We are proud to share that no client has initiated this option.
Up to 70%
Saved against a program component.
Low risk
Try out Fixinc without big commitments.
Money back, or credit for more work.
Questions asked, changes made immediately.

Client testimonials

Fixinc can provide you with dedicated references from previous clients and programs.

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Kris Stead

Position, Company name

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Kris Stead

Position, Company name

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Position, Company name

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Kris Stead

Position, Company name

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Kris Stead

Position, Company name


Counication is key for a successuful program. Anything missing here, please ask us to clarify.

How soon can we start?

Our programs can start within the day of signing your proposal (schedules permitting). However, we like to have our Program Engagement Meeting at least within 7 days. If it's a smaller program and more urgent, we can look to start within 48 hours.

What are your payment terms?

These are found via the link in the menu navigation. In most cases, we ask for an engagement fee to be settled within 14 days of signing this program's proposal. However, we can be flexible with payment terms that follow your account's policies. All we ask is that this is shared after accepting this proposal so we can plan accordingly.

We strongly disagree with chasing program sponsor's for overdue invoices (it is not your responsibility), so please share the Accounts information for us to take this offline. Payments paid on time or early receive loyalty points.

How much resource will I need for this program?

Typically, much less than you would presume. Our team is able to do a lot of the heavy lifting for you. On occasion, we may need staff for meetings (like with BIAs), however this never usually goes over an hour. Training sessions require a little more input, but are still very reasonable. We specifically make a point of reducing the time and resources from your team as this is commonly the biggest reservations for starting a program.

Can we add additional work once the program starts?

This often depends on the program itself. We want to ensure additional work does not disrupt the momentum of your current program, and often it would not add value. However, we can run programs alongside one another, or provide a separate scope and quote to start something immediately once this is finished. Speak to us about our Maintenance Program as this can cover multiple programs in one.

What is the cancellation policy?

You can find specific clauses in your terms regarding our policy, however we try to be as flexible as possible to our clients; things happen, we understand. In most cases, it's simply 30-days notice with the Engagement Fee acting as a non-refundable deposit. Instead of cancelling, you can also put programs on hold if necessary.


Excludes any additional taxes or GST.
Sign and begin this program today

We aim to price around 10-25% lower than the industry averages thanks to our in-house technology solutions and automations. We will work with you to ensure we meet your budgets, expectations, and resilience objectives.

Engagement Meeting
Proposed Start:
July 1, 2024
  • Client Portal and Engagement Prepared by Fixinc.
  • 1 Hour Engagement Meeting.
  • Minutes and Meeting Recording.
  • Detailed scope and Q&A.
Component Responsibiliy
Business Continuity Policy and Framework
Proposed Start:
July 22, 2024
  • Agree the definition and objectives for business continuity within the organisation.
  • Agree the scope of the business continuity program.
  • Identify and agree on the standards or guidelines that will be used as a benchmark.
  • Draft the new or revised policy.
  • Circulate the draft policy for consultation with top management.
  • Facilitate the approval and sign off of the policy by top management.
  • Ensure the approved policy is communicated to all interested parties.
Component Responsibiliy
Business Impact Analysis and Threat Assessment
Proposed Start:
August 5, 2024
  • Initial BIA: High-level analysis for framework.
  • Product/Service BIA: Prioritise products/services, strategic continuity.
  • Process BIA: Identify key processes.
  • Activity BIA: Prioritize urgent activities, resource needs.
Component Responsibiliy
Business Continuity Plan
Proposed Start:
August 19, 2024
  • Consultation to discuss strategy options.
  • Review and approve plan outcomes.
Component Responsibiliy
Business Continuity Awareness Training
Proposed Start:
September 2, 2024
  • Attend 3 Hour Awareness training.
  • Understanding Business Continuity.
  • Roles and Responsibilities.
  • Emergency Procedures and Protocols.
  • BC Plan Familiarization.
  • Responsibilities during a disruption.
Component Responsibiliy
Scenario Exercise
Proposed Start:
September 16, 2024
  • Review and approve exercise plan. 
  • Review and approve scenario and run sheet. 
  • Attend 3-hour desktop scenario exercise. 
  • Review and approve post-exercise report. ‍
Component Responsibiliy

The process to accepting your proposal.

If you're happy to proceed , you can accept the terms and conditions and digitally sign below. You will be directed to a form that will ask for onboarding information and invoicing (you can skip this if you have nothing to add). You will then be redirected to immediately book your Engagement Meeting with Brad at a convenient time for you.

A final note from me.

Michael, I want to take this opportunity once again to thank you for considering Fixinc to run your Business Continuity Program. It's not lost on us the significance of putting your faith in an external supplier.

We created Fixinc with the intention to provide a service so personalised and useful that we could confidently stake our careers on it. That's what I'm doing today. At any point you need support, advice, or guidance during the quiet periods and the disruptive ones, we're in your corner - just call me on (+64) 027 365 5824.

I'm thrilled to potentially be working with you further and please let me know if I can help in any way.

Thanks again.

Proposal meta information

Use this information when discussing your proposal or for reporting purposes.

Monday, September 30, 2024
September 30, 2024
Brad Law